With the new year comes this sense of a new beginning. Every year we return to this notion of setting goals and resolutions for a new year to come, as well as reflecting on what the last year has taught us.
I’m not a naysayer when it comes to resolutions or manifesting for a new year, but hearing so many people’s goals and intentions, and the expectations to redefine myself is overwhelming. Along with that comes this external pressure to succeed at these endeavors or you clearly weren’t determined enough. This salon mix is for when you need to stop overthinking, and just need to feel something.
Moving into 2024, I am really drawn to the moody, dreamy wah-wah guitar of shoegaze. It’s almost always sad and melancholic lyric-wise but obscure vocals and a wall of echoing sound paints the room with an ethereal wash. This shoegaze mood I’m in runs parallel to the experience I’m having with resolutions this year. If I’m honest, 2023 was a pretty terrible year for me, and there isn’t any solution but time. No amount of vitamins & supplements or cold morning showers will change that for me. So as much as I am wanting to visualize and manifest, I am also recognizing that I’m doing pretty ok despite everything and I don’t have any particular focus this year.
Shoegaze is very much the same as in it is less about individual sounds or melodies, and more so about a wall of noise and texture. I don’t see a purpose in reflecting on the negative of this past year. Much like how shoegaze is meant to simply be felt; not analyzed or interpreted.
This year I’m taking a new approach to stepping into the new year. I want to help you ease into 2024 and baby-step into new beginnings. Color your return behind the chair with a playlist meant to fall into the background and create a pleasant atmosphere for whatever goals you have. Reflect on the past, feel inspired for what’s to come, or simply let the distorted guitar and droning vocals wash over you.
Let’s take this word resolution and really break it down. Instead of firmly deciding to do or not to do something, let’s just choose to remain resolute. Purposeful and unwavering. Yes, you can change your hair, want to work out everyday, and eat healthier, but you can also take this time to remember that you are probably doing the best you can and that is enough. Life does not pass or fail, and you can choose to improve at any time. To be happy is to be content. This is Resolution.